I was supposedly to be studying for tests, but my mind went wild. What if you wrote all your entry weekly as normal. But one difference, you scheduled to post them some eighty years later, when you're no longer in this world. Week by week, your chronicles will get published online. If the blog could gather enough attention from the blog readers, it could even make news. That is provided what you written is inspirational and read-worthy.
Maybe it could also be a place where you can say something like those you'll regret if you didn't, something that you would want to say to someone but never dared or have a chance to. Something like saying how much you loved your parents or cherished the person you fancy.
Had anyone heard of the book Tuesday with Morrie? I mostly write on Friday, perhaps I could name mine, Friday with Wee Loon. *haha*
Just a thought I pondered on. But would you blog beyond your time? *haha* Sounds a 'lil "Ghost Whisperer".
P.S. This entry was written on Sunday, 22 June 2008, but I expected I've got Interactive Authoring tutorial late at night on Friday till 9 pm and maybe even longer. So I've made this entry to scheduled to post at 10 pm. That's a nifty Blogger feature don't 'cha think? =)