Friday, August 8, 2008

Chicken & Eggs

My mum was saying that eggs got expensive recently. I'm not sure about the market price right now but it striked me this question: Which is cheaper? A hen producing 100 eggs or buying 100 eggs from the supermarket?

Well, I don't expect an answer actually, because there were quite many unknowns like how many eggs can a hen lay in its lifetime? How much does a hen that's still alive and kicking cost? Come to all these questions, it doesn't seem like chicken feed anymore.

But my answer is buying 100 eggs from supermarket. Why? All eggs are sterillised before they leave the farm. So it's safer and cheaper to get from the supermarket, medical fees in Singapore ain't cheap 'cha know? But it's quite an interesting question to think about it, if you're like me~

Okay, here's the ancient question that scholars and wise men had always wanted to answer: We got a hen from the egg or an egg from the hen?

From the scientific point of view, it would a hen from an egg. From the Christian point of view, it would be an egg from the hen. At least that's what I think. I don't really want to this post to be all about chicken and egg, so go figure why I feel that way. Actually, I really hope someone could figure it out. =)

On second thought, this post really is about chicken and egg in the end. Oh well!


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